We shared an article about this in 2018, and it is still surprising to see even today that the same easy to guess passwords are used. Now 2020 is upon us, we take a look again at these reports. A...
Windows 7 End of Support – 14th January 2020
January 14th 2020 will be a normal business day of course to most of us, but in the world of IT Windows 7 will reach the end of its Extended Support. Essentially what this means is that Microsoft...
Password Management and Password Reuse
Reusing passwords from one account or service to another Password Management and Password Reuse. In the press, we see quite regularly breaches happening when a user doesn't have Password Management...
IT & Security Newsletter
Why sign up to our Mailing List ? Discover How To Keep Your IT Systems Online, Secure and Efficient. Attacks are more prevalent, more costly and more frequent. You need a resource in your corner...

State of the Email Union
A recent report from Mimecast was released recently. It showed some current worries and issues that some 1200 IT decision makers have experience and concerns over, in particular Email Security Key...

Keeping Users Secure in Business
Security Tips for Users and Keeping Secure Technology moves on at a rapid pace, and the attacks and hacks are ever increasing also. It seems not in the so dim and distant past we were on dialup,...
Compromising the Supplier Chain
LinkedIn Phishing We have seen a few customer reports recently around receiving malicious attachments and messages from LinkedIn. We wrote about this type of attack appearing again more frequently,...

LinkedIn Phishing Office365 Users
One of the platforms of choice for any business these days is Office365 and its related services. Whether thats just a business using it for email, or through to the business that uses all the apps...
Good Reasons to use a Password Manager
What is Password Management ? A password management tool is an application on your phone, tablet or computer that stores your passwords securely, so you don’t need to remember them all. Some...
The Importance of Backup
Backup your Business Ever since computers have been around, there have been backups. We come across, regularly, businesses (and individuals) who dont really back up their data or computers, or have...