The GDPR is coming soon and its a game changer. One of the areas it looks at is how you store your data and it will be under scrutiny. Its important that your business knows and fully understands...
The GDPR and Data Retention
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The GDPR is coming soon and its a game changer. One of the areas it looks at is how you store your data and it will be under scrutiny. Its important that your business knows and fully understands...
GDPR & Employees Take a look at the below. Can you see a potential data breach? Hopefully, you can see quite a few, from the paper in the waste bin, the open files on the desk, through to the...
Some interesting facts and statistics on the ICO for the last couple of years. Leading up to the GDPR implementation in the next few months time, the fines are going to increase and every business...
If we were to ask you to define cyber security, what would you say? You understand the concept but need to know more? The definition of Cyberspace is an electronic medium of digital networks used to...