Coronavirus, aside from Coronavirus online Scams, (COVID-19) isn’t just a growing threat to public health – it’s also a growing threat to your company’s cybersecurity. From using scary subject lines to adopting faux official letterhead, bad actors are scrambling to use the climate of fear and disruption caused by COVID-19 to their advantage. Disasters, emergencies, and global pandemics provide a target-rich environment for cybercriminals to launch phishing attacks and employ other dirty tricks to gain access to your data. It only takes one staffer opening a bogus email, clicking on a dangerous link, or downloading a malware-laden attachment for them to succeed.
Here are three simple ways that you can act immediately to prevent a potentially disastrous Coronavirus-related data breach in your business.
Coronavirus Scams – Plan, Preserve, and Protect
Use expert guidance from agencies like NCSC to prepare your organisation for risks posed by COVID-19. Is your cybersecurity plan adequate for the unique challenges presented by increased remote working for your staff? By implementing multi-factor authentication and tools such as a Virtual Private Network (VPN) will help to keep your organisation’s data and systems safe when workers are remote, roaming or aren’t in the office.
Sign up to our Weekly Service where we can help to communicate any threats, news and information in the world of IT that may have an effect on your business
Trust but Verify
Get updates about COVID-19, scams and frauds related to the Coronavirus pandemic, and its impact on cybersecurity from trusted, official sources, and encourage your staff to only use vetted information for planning and communications. Be wary of any email with a COVID-19-related subject line, attachment, or hyperlink. Avoid sharing or clicking on social media posts, text messages, or LinkedIn Messages offering Coronavirus information, vaccination, treatment or cures.
Make Prevention a Priority
Refresh every staff members training on how to spot phishing scams and online fraud. Check out our article on how to spot a Phishing Attack here. Remind your staff that our government will never ask for sensitive personal, financial or business information via email or by text. Communicate that clicking on links or opening attachments from unfamiliar sources is the fastest way for scammers to gain access and infect business systems with malware.
Employee Security Awareness Training and Phishing Simulations can help make sure that your staff is ready to spot and defend against attack. Constant vigilance against cyberattacks is a smart strategy for any business. In these uncertain times, we’re happy to be your trusted source for the tools and strategies that you need to keep cybercriminals out of your business.
Sign up for your Free Dark Web Scan today – make sure there is no information about your business on the Dark Web, and find out what to do if any were discovered.